Friday, September 14, 2018

The Purpose of Life

The dictionary defines purpose as (n) the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists;(verb) to have one's intention or objective.

So what is the purpose of life? This question has no real answer because as individuals we are all on a different path. I read somewhere that the purpose of life is a life of purpose.

Each day has its own purpose. Each task in our lives serves a purpose. Everything we do becomes a small part of our great story. Here are a few of my favorite quotes about purpose. I hope they give you a glimpse at how important you are and how important your purpose in this world can be.

  • You had a purpose before anyone had an opinion.
  • Purpose fuels passion.
  • When you walk with purpose you collide with destiny.
  • We won't be distracted by comparison if we are captivated with purpose.(Bob Goff)
  • If you want to believe in your purpose- you have to keep company with people who believe in your purpose too. (
  • You were made on purpose for a purpose. (Tony Evans)
Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, " There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. You may be in a season of raising little babies and you feel like your only purpose is to change diapers and do laundry. You may be in a season of doubt not knowing what to do, where to go, what to believe. Even in daily tasks, in doubt, and in waiting for answers there is purpose. Be still and listen to your heart and listen to God. He will lead you to your purpose.

 It's often said that God works at the intersection of our gifts and our passions. He created us with passions and talents. What are the things that you love to do? What are the things you find beautiful? What are the things that excite you and motivate you? What are the things that you need to stand for? 

Whatever your answer to these questions they are unique to you and they are your purpose or on the path to your purpose, so no answer is the wrong answer. If you are a person who is passionate about the environment and feel like you need to take a stand for something, do it. If you are a person that absolutely loves coffee and it just makes you happy and that perfect cup of coffee is transcendent, share that love with the world! Coffee is amazing. Can you tell I love coffee? If you love to organize because it brings order and harmony to your home and you want to share that feeling with the world, do it. Take a hundred pictures of that pantry that once made you want to pull your hair out and now it just makes you want to try a new recipe. 

Here are a few pictures of some of the things in my life that give me purpose.

 Our two youngest children whom we homeschool. Our two oldest children moved out of the house years ago and we don't get to take many pictures with them these days. But all four of them are a huge purpose in my life. I honestly believe God created me because they all needed me specifically to be their mom.
 A vegan Affogato which is ice cream with espresso. It is an experience. Try one. Anything with coffee is amazing in my opinion. Coffee gives me purpose. I have had many conversations, laughs, and discussions over coffee.
 Good healthy foods. I love green veggies with my noodles. Asian food is very vegan friendly. I try to eat as many vegan meals as possible but I don't beat myself up for having some meat here or there. Mostly on holidays because Thanksgiving has turkey.
 Not my kitchen but I really love having a clean home and this gorgeous house was super clean. I feel this peace when the house is clean and organized. I actually enjoy organizing closets and drawers. Yep I'm a weird one.
 My husband of twenty- six years. Dating him and loving him are such a big purpose in my life. Bonus it comes naturally. He gets me and he's a great person. Our marriage is a testimony to God and showing our children that all marriages have ups and downs but we can still choose to love and forgive and respect one another is a huge part of our purpose in life.

 My grandchildren. They bring me so much joy. They have opened a new section to my heart that I didn't even know existed. Just looking at this picture brings me to tears knowing that I get to share in their lives.
Event planning & interior decorating, bring me purpose. I love throwing parties and having a house full of people. Acts of service is my main love language so get togethers are my thing. In this picture I was getting a room together for a homeschool prom. The theme was Latin Nights. I incorporated some tropical touches and a few educational pops here and there like that Taino symbol on the small easel. Also I printed out  pictures of some landscapes in Puerto Rico. I wanted the children to ask about the places so we could share a bit of culture with them.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Hello Again

Author Paulo Coehlo has a wonderful quote that says, " If you are brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello."

 Saying goodbye can be hard but it can also be exciting. When we let go of the old we make room for the new. New places, people, things, experiences, can all be what we make of them. We can put up walls and make them negative and scary or we can embrace them and make them a wonderful part of our lives. It's like that old saying you won't know if you like something until you try it.

Earlier this year we were brave enough to say goodbye to our house. We knew it was the right choice and the right time. We were certain that this was a step God wanted us to take. So now we get to say hello to a new city. Hello to new neighbors. Hello to new stores, routes, shortcuts, landscapes, parks and trails.

Isaiah 43:18-19 NIV tells us, "For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland."

 We are embracing the new. I think it will be a theme for us for a little while. Trying new things. Recently we went to NYC (my hometown). It was a whirlwind of a trip. We were there less than twenty-four hours. We made the most of it. We only slept four hours so we could do and see as much in the little time we had to explore. Although we lived in NYC for a long time it had been over eighteen years since we had been there, so many parts of it were new but it all felt familiar.

We ate at a lovely restaurant, in the West Village, called Rosemary's . It is a farm to table type of restaurant and so many of their ingredients are made in house. We had fresh pasta, house made cheeses. The most amazing heirloom tomatoes they grew in their upstate farm. They even had a small rooftop garden. It was delightful to see tomatoes and herbs and some veggies. If you are ever in NYC we highly recommend this place. They even accommodated my dairy allergy. Can you believe that lovely pasta dish has no dairy!

My hope for all of you is that any new beginning in life brings you growth, joy, and leads to beautiful memories and some delicious foods!